
Cloud Service Engine

Million Web Service Cloud Service Engine (CSE) offers support library, service administration, and setup and the executives. It permits you to rapidly foster microservice applications and carry out high-accessibility O&M. Besides, it upholds different dialects and runtime frameworks, and bound together access and administration of nosy structures like Spring Cloud, Apache ServiceComb (Java suspension/Go case), and Dubbo, and non-meddlesome Istio Service Mesh.

What MWS Cloud Service Engine is offering you

  • Various Programming Languages
    Upholds various programming dialects, like Java, Go, .NET, Node.js, and PHP.
  • High Reliability
    In light of MWS CloudNative, which serves hundred great many MWS Device clients.
  • Open-Source Base
    Upholds local Spring Cloud and Dubbo structures and Istio Service Mesh to give all-situation capacities.
  • Industry Expertise
    Created as a team with 100+ industry accomplices with experience in giving microservice counseling services.

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