
MWS Hybrid Computing

A hybrid computing platform lets customers connect the packaged small business software applications that they run on their own internal desktops or servers to
applications that run in the cloud

It’s an exciting time to be a part of the digital world. Data centers are supporting some of the most advanced use-cases, working with data-driven solutions, new types of applications and services, and incorporating emerging technologies like AI and machine learning. Hybrid is quickly becoming the new normal for those organizations striving to get ahead. But before you immediately think that this means ‘hybrid cloud,’ the concept of a Hybrid IT environment is a bit higher level. This means you’re leveraging more business and technology solutions to create more efficient environments and better competitive advantages.

Our hybrid computing services include the following:
  • Efficiently managing the workloads with dynamic solutions
  • Fulfilling temporary demands in case of an event
  • Flexible and scalable solutions to meet changing enterprise needs
  • Finding an optimal balance between on-site storage and Cloud
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