
MWS Master Data Management

Master data management (MDM) arose out of the necessity for businesses to improve the consistency and quality of their key data assets,
such as product data, asset data, customer data, location data, etc

One of the key challenges organizations across the globe face is data integration. An organization is necessarily a combination of different departments and multiple teams. These teams are generating data constantly that is being stored on the Cloud. Storing and effective management of data is one thing. Managing this important data in a way that your organization gets strong business intelligence is another. We offer you Master Data Management services streamlining your data in a way that you get strong insights. This way both the master data as well as the components are readily accessible to you at all times.

The four general master data domains are:


Within the customer’s domain, there are customer, employee and salesperson sub-domains.


Within products domain, there are product, part, store and asset sub-domains.


Within the locations domain, there are office location and geographic division sub-domains.


Within the other domain, there are things like contract, warranty and license sub-domains.

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