
MWS Storage Resiliency (SAN storage)

Data resilience has become increasingly vital to modern businesses

The MWS Storage Area Network (SAN) is a high-speed network that allows multiple servers to access the Linked pool of shared storage at the block level. Associations of all sizes use storage area networks (SANs) Recently, the market for MWS SAN storage arrays has grown stronger, ready to run on industry standard x86_64 servers.


Featured Programming:

The MWS SAN Collection sets up free associations to work with your decision maker. 


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MWS SAN eliminates the need to secure the movement of data between servers. It also meets purchase requirements and temporary storage support, which includes the sole and exclusive transfer of data to another server. Assuming two servers are running multiple applications, there is no need to worry about duplicate data synchronization, since it is the same thing.

What MWS SAN Storage offers

  • Automation of the storage management process so that a particular form of data is assigned to the most relevant storage
  • Classification of data for primary and secondary storage based on traffic
  • Intelligent data transfer from more expensive storage to less expensive storage
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