
Object Storage Service

Object Storage Service (OBS) is a steady, secure, productive, and simple to-utilize distributed storage service that is scalable and viable, permitting capacity of any measure of unstructured information in any organization. It additionally gives REST APIs, empowering web access from anyplace.

Benefits of using MWS Object Storage Service

Object capacity is generally new when contrasted and more customary stockpiling frameworks like record or square stockpiling. Anyway, what is object capacity, precisely? So, capacity for unstructured data takes out the scaling constraints of conventional document stockpiling. Boundless scale is the explanation that object capacity is the capacity of the cloud. All of the significant public cloud administrations, including Amazon, Google and Microsoft, utilize object capacity as their essential stockpiling. Object capacity conveys boundless scale on the grounds that dissimilar to the tending to ordered progression utilized with conventional document stockpiling object-based capacity utilizes a level record framework that has no implicit cutoff points. Consequently, it’s ready to hold enormous volumes of unstructured data, for example, sound, video, messages, wellbeing records, and reports.

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